Buy Ignition: A Guide to Building High-Performing Teams
Ignition: A Guide to Building High-Performing Teams (Curphy, Nilsen & Hogan, 2019) is a companion to the Team Assessment Survey and is a “how to guide” for building high performing teams.
Overview of Ignition: A Guide to Building High-Performing Teams
Ignition’s 15 chapters were written around the common team challenges listed above. Chapters 3-15 include case studies, typical Team Assessment Survey results, practical guidance, and detailed team offsite agendas for each team challenge depicted.
Sample Agenda
View an example of a four-month offsite agenda focused on helping a team get from good to great.
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
The second half of Ignition describes step-by-step instructions for 40 team improvement activities. These activities are 30-120 minutes in length and designed to address specific team issues, such as how to conduct a Team Assessment Survey feedback session, align on team challenges, create a clear and compelling team vision, set team goals, clarify roles and responsibilities, improve team meetings and decision-making, and foster psychological safety. The team improvement activities are linked to The Rocket Model™ components and Team Assessment Survey results.