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Ignition: A Guide to Building High-Performing Teams

Written by the minds behind The Rocket Model™, Ignition: A Guide to Building High-Performing Teams offers strategies and insights for creating highly effective teams.

Ignite Team Success With "Ignition: A Guide to Building High-Performing Teams"

Ignition: A Guide to Building High-Performing Teams (Curphy, Nilsen & Hogan, 2019) was written to help team leaders and facilitators improve team dynamics and performance and organizations scale effective teamwork. The chapters in the first half of the book include case studies, practical guidance, and detailed team offsite agendas for:

  • Launching new teams, turning around broken teams, and combining teams.
  • Working with virtual teams, groups (rather than teams), and C-suite teams.
  • Getting teams from good to great.
  • Scaling effective teamwork.
Ignition: A Guide to Building High-Performing Teams

There are also chapters that describe how to design leadership development programs that train leaders how to build teams, incorporate teams into leadership assessment batteries, high-potential programs, and executive onboarding engagements. Another Ignition chapter describes what organizations can do to scale effective teamwork.

The second half of Ignition describes step-by-step instructions for 40 team improvement activities. These activities are 30-120 minutes in length and designed to address specific team issues, such as how to align on team challenges, create a clear and compelling team vision, set team goals, clarify roles and responsibilities, improve team meetings and decision-making, and foster psychological safety. The team improvement activities are linked to The Rocket Model™ components and Team Assessment Survey results.

PowerPoint decks, forms, handouts, and articles are used in the facilitation of the 40 team improvement activities.
A Guide to Building High-Performing Teams


Begin the journey towards exceptional team performance with your own copy of Ignition and unlock the secrets to high-performing team dynamics